Reflecting on DTW Ignite: A Landmark Moment for GreySkies

DTW24 - Copenhagen by TM Forum provided an exceptional and well-organized conference space, particularly for AI-driven OSS/BSS in the telecom industry. The advanced use cases presented were truly inspiring and aligned perfectly with GreySkies' Service Assurance vision. Our AI-driven Unified Service Assurance platform, which applies next-gen full fidelity data collection from multiple domains to correlate customer experience and business KPIs, was a standout for conference attendees. Many visitors mentioned that this platform is poised to significantly elevate the OSS capabilities for telecom operators.

DTW Ignite GreySkies

DTW24 - Copenhagen by TM Forum provided an exceptional and well-organized conference space, particularly for AI-driven OSS/BSS in the telecom industry. The advanced use cases presented were truly inspiring and aligned perfectly with GreySkies' Service Assurance vision. Our AI-driven Unified Service Assurance platform, which applies next-gen full fidelity data collection from multiple domains to correlate customer experience and business KPIs, was a standout for conference attendees. Many visitors mentioned that this platform is poised to significantly elevate the OSS capabilities for telecom operators.

DTW Ignite was bustling with opportunities to meet and connect with potential clients and industry leaders. Our team engaged in numerous fruitful discussions about our comprehensive service assurance solutions and AIOps offerings. These conversations highlighted the growing need for proactive AI-driven operations in the telecom sector. We were thrilled to see the interest and enthusiasm for our solutions, reaffirming their relevance and impact in today’s market.

Our service assurance solutions, designed to provide end-to-end visibility and control over IT environments, garnered significant attention. Additionally, our AIOps platform showcased its ability to enhance operational efficiency through real-time analytics and predictive insights. The positive feedback we received was both encouraging and motivating.

Dr. Ahmed Mokhtar's Loft Talk on AIOps

Dr. Ahmed Mokhtar's Loft Talk on AIOps:

One of the highlights of DTW Ignite was the loft talk by our CEO, Dr. Ahmed Mokhtar, titled "Driving Telecom Forward with Cutting Edge AIOps." Dr. Mokhtar's presentation drew a large and engaged audience, eager to learn about the transformative potential of AIOps in the telecom industry. He shared insights on how AI-driven operations can revolutionize telecom services, enhance customer experiences, and drive operational efficiency. The talk was well received, sparking lively discussions, and leaving attendees with a deeper understanding of AIOps' capabilities.

As we reflect on our experiences at DTW Ignite, we are more motivated than ever to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation. The connections we made, the feedback we received, and the enthusiasm we encountered will undoubtedly shape our future endeavors. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited our booth, attended Dr. Mokhtar's talk, and engaged with us throughout the event.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and innovations from GreySkies Inc. as we continue our journey of driving digital transformation and excellence in the telecom industry. To request a demo, click here.